Help Build Game Changers!
Donations of all levels help support, First Tee – Augusta’s programs, fee scholarships, outreach programs, school day programs and college scholarships. All donations are tax deductible and can be made online, by mail, or at our facility:
Please make checks payable to First Tee – Augusta and mail to:
First Tee – Augusta
3165 Damascus Road
Augusta, GA 30909
Honorary & Memorial Donations
Honorary and memorial gifts are a wonderful way to acknowledge special people or occasions. You will receive acknowledgement of your gift and confirmation that we notified the designated individual of your thoughtfulness. Please include the following information with the donation:
~Donor’s name and address
~Name(s) of person being honored/memorialized or the
~Special occasion being celebrated
~Name and address for designess acknowledgement to be sent
Make checks payable to First Tee – Augusta and mail to:
First Tee – Augusta
3165 Damascus Road
Augusta, GA 30909
Legacy Giving
Planned giving gives donors the opportunity to perpetuate a legacy in the lives of young people through First Tee – Augusta. Planned giving includes estate gifts, planned gifts, bequests and insurance bequests. We view your bequest as the ultimate gift of trust and faith in First Tee – Augusta as we strive to fulfill our mission. There is no higher honor for us to be entrusted with a gift from your will. Please consider adding First Tee – Augusta into your estate plan or making a simple bequest in your will.